Wednesday, 29 March 2017


First Expedition of 2017 and what a cracker. Students from Glasgow Academy took on the mighty Loch Lomond, and were gifted with an incredible 3 days of sunshine, sunsets and flat calm conditions. 

 Day 1

 Grant, Suns out Guns out!

 Paddling around the Islands on Loch Lomond

 Hammock time on night 1

 Sunset was incredible

 Teaching staff Megan in ore 

 What you shooting Grant!


 As darkness fell things just got better

 First view from my hammock on the morning of day 2

 Sunrise did not disappoint

 My favourite photo

 The students were pretty happy with the weather

 As was Grant!

 Team 'Beyond Adventure'

 Night 2 wasn't bad either

 And I guess day 3 was OK!

 And it just kept getting better


Friday, 17 March 2017

Early Starts and boating

Very busy week, Silver DofE training day on Loch Lomond with Glasgow Academy, FSRT for Perth College, Family group from the South and a wet day on the Dochart. Fun times had by all.

 This was the actual vision from my eyes!

 Boats, Boats, Boats during an FSRT for Perth College

 A nice family from the Midlands came for a day out on the Tay

 Grant doing last minute outfitting on his new toy


 Terry Surfing


 Someone stole my camera and took a photo of me! Thanks Grant

Oooo me again

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Loch Tay

A lovely paddle on Loch Tay with the folks, Helen and Winston.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Saturday to Saturday

What a week! Long term students, paddle before work, sunset, expedition talk, northen lights, new building arrived and back to long term students.

 Long term students on a very full Perthshire Garry

 Sunset whilst walking Winston

 Before the sun came over the hill on an early morning canoe from Kenmore to Aberfeldy

 Approaching Aberfeldy. Temperature still sitting below frezzing!

 Brillaint talk by my freind Callum Strong about is trip to Afghanistan kayaking

 Treated to a Northen Lights display on the way home. So lucky.

 Beyond Adventure's new building arrived. Watch this space for updates

 Was quite snowy at the getin for the River Brann for another session with my long term students

 Snow posing, whilst unloading

 Long term student Mairi thinking warm thoughts!

Long term student Jay, not hiding that fact he is cold