The River Earn has been on my list to paddle for a few years and I really don't know why I haven't gotten on it before, its an absolutely beautiful stretch of river. The clues were in the rivers description from the 'Scottish Canoe Touring' guidebook.
'The Earn is a long and possibly under-rated river, winding its way amongst various different types of scenery across the county of Perthshire. It leaves Loch Earn in the west, and at first is tiny and interesting waterway amongst a wooded valley. At Comrie, a popular tourist village, the Earn widens out, and is nearly always canoeable from here,the trip down to Crieff, a spa town, the most popular for a days paddle. (This is the section we did). After Crieff, the river gains in water, and has various interesting weirs down to Kinkell Bridge. Lower down, the river winds almost interminably amongst agricultural countryside, with a final tidal stretch to join the Tay'
The car park at the access point in Comrie provided some questions!
Grant on the weir just down from the start
Roger on the same weir
The river flattened out providing some spectacular scenery
Lovely wooded areas lined the banks
We picked another cracking day for it!
Roger and Grant in gentle conversation
Lunch stop with a view
Apart from a small single track road a few hundred meters away the nearest main road was 2km away at this point, absolute bliss and silence
Approaching a small gorged section
Am I looking pretty chilled and relaxed?
On the approach to the last rapid before entering Crieff
Roger on the last rapid of the day in Crieff