Monday, 19 March 2018

Has it begun?

It certainly feels like the season has begun. A busy week directing day 2 of a 'Open Canoe Leader' Assessment, a kayak trip with two folk from Glasgow, a DofE canoe training on Loch Lomond with Glasgow Academy students and a day safety kayaking for the Breadalbane Prep slalom race. Winter is still holding on with snow and bitterly cold easterly winds but with the sun shining today, is spring just around the corner?

 A rest bite from being blown back up the river!

 Happy kayakers!

 Under 'Wade's Bridge' in Aberfeldy

 Perthshire Garry was the venue for day 2 of the 'Open Canoe Leader' Assessment

 Glasgow Academy canoeing at Balloch on Loch Lomond

 Grant chatting about using a towing/ pushing system

 Safety kayaking at Grandtully on the River Tay, fulled by coffee and hot chocolate

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Beast form the East

Well....... It kind of came to Aberfeldy but was really quite a none event. However it did bring a fair amount of snow and cold temperatures, which bought the 'Birks of Aberfeldy' Into prime photograph perfection. A Saturday winter walk with Helen and Winston.

 Bridge in the lower 'Birks' just round the corner from the house

 Looking upstream

 Frozen pool below waterfall

 I love snow settled on rocks in the middle of the river

 Temperatures really have been low

 Some small icicles!!

 The snow formed in some spectacular ways


 Helen and Winston

 Family portrait

 The 'Falls of Moness'

 "The Birks of Aberfeldy" is a song lyric written for a pre-existing melody in 1787 by Robert Burns. He was inspired to write it by the Falls of Moness and the birch trees of Aberfeldy during a tour of the Scottish Highlands with his friend William Nicol.

Looking down the falls