Saturday 15 December 2018

Winter has arrived

As the year draws to a close December has has been quiet on the activity front just a couple of little trips and coaching. And today winter arrived, but for how long?

 Kayak Leader Assessment, Who's going to lead first?

 Jamie surfing

 Ross wondering how he got hereto and where is here?!

 Sunny autumnal day

 Things you find on a river.... and a pumpkin!

 Glasgow Academy on Loch Lomond for some DofE Training

 Laps on the Braan with Callum

 Open Canoe Leader Assessment on Loch Lubhair and the River Dochart

 The 'Falls of Monesss' in the 'Birks of Aberfeldy' beginning to freeze

 Winter sunshine Looking towards Farragon Hill

 Home, Aberfeldy

 From nothing to this in an hour!

 Ice coming down the 'Moness Burn

Feels like Canada